The National Accreditation Council for Business and Management Education (NASDOBR) conducted the full-time stage of accreditation of MIRBIS MBA and EMBA programs

NASDOBR accreditation is based on the framework of Russian legislation, the best international accreditation standards (AMBA, EQUIS), and takes into account the specifics of Russian business and entrepreneurship.
30 July 2024
The National Accreditation Council for Business and Management Education (NASDOBR) conducted the full-time stage of accreditation of MIRBIS MBA and EMBA programs
July 2-3, 2024 - The full-time stage of professional and public accreditation of MBA and EMBA programs took place at the Moscow International Higher School of Business MIRBIS.

For MIRBIS Business School, which was the first in Russia to be accredited by NASDOBR in 2013, this is the third professional audit in a row.

The importance of domestic accreditation is higher than ever today: international accreditations, in particular AMBA, currently do not work with Russian schools, the validity period of the AMBA has ended, while the NASDOBR was established by leading professional associations (Association of Managers, Association of Russian Banks, RSPP, Delovaya Rossiya, Russian Chamber of Commerce, RABO) and in criteria and the requirements for MBA programs takes into account both international and national standards.

NASDOBR experts worked with program documents, held meetings with the management and administration of programs, employers, students, graduates and MBA and EMBA faculty.

On the first day of the full-time accreditation stage, MIRBIS Business School was presented by its leaders:
  • Nikolay Tsvetkov, PhD in Economics, Rector of MIRBIS;
  • Fedor Fedorov, MBA (Executive), Executive Director of the Business School;
  • Anna Burlakova, PhD. in Pedagogic Sciences, MBA, Deputy Executive Director of the Business School;
  • Anna Vorobyova, MBA, Commercial Director of the Business School;
  • Ekaterina Lisitsyna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the MBA program – Financial Strategy of the Company;
  • Anna Urinovskaya, Operations Manager, MBA Administrator in Yekaterinburg (MIRBIS – CBO project).

"Any accreditation of MBA and EMBA programs is a professional audit, expertise and an opportunity to look at the educational process and the work of the entire School from the outside," said Executive Director Fedor Fedorov. – NASDOBR is a very high bar. My team and I have prepared more than 2,000 pages of reports, documents, publications, and information about the School's achievements over 3 years for the full-time accreditation stage, and it should be noted that, despite the challenges of recent years, we have done a lot in terms of developing MBA and EMBA programs, projects and internships, and the alumni community. On the hot weekdays of July, more than 20 MBA and EMBA teachers, dozens of students, graduates, partners and employers came to a meeting with experts from all over Russia and connected online. They communicated with experts behind closed doors. We hope we made a great impression!"

"We are entering the autumn recruitment process with dynamic and business-proven MBA and EMBA programs and one of the best faculty teams in Russia! Fyodor Fedorov added. – Our key "feature" is undoubtedly the strategic and entrepreneurial line in the courses and projects that students perform for their companies and businesses. The leaders who study with us at MIRBIS show results both during their studies and immediately after graduation, continuing in the MIRBIS ecosystem in the alumni status "


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