Asia-Pacific Region Center's Training Courses

Educational, consulting and practical programmes offered by the APR Center are held under the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Asia Pacific countries' embassies in Russia, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and in close cooperation with the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, professional associations and leading universities in the Asia-Pacific Region

How to choose a programme

Mission of the Asia-Pacific Region Center

  • Provide highly effective channels for sharing knowledge, experience and practices between Russia and countries of the Asia-Pacific Region. 
  • Improve the efficiency of Russian and Asia-Pacific companies by implementing educational programmes on innovative management approaches.
  • Train specialists who combine fundamental economic knowledge with a profound study of the processes occurring in the global economy and the economy of Asia-Pacific countries, familiar with the practices in major Asia-Pacific companies

Objectives of the Asia-Pacific Region Center

  • Train specialists who have necessary knowledge, competencies and skills to establish and maintain business contacts with Asia-Pacific business entities.
  • Improve the efficiency of Russian and Asia-Pacific companies by implementing educational programmes on innovative management approaches.
  • Provide an opportunity for the representatives of governmental authorities and business community of Asia-Pacific countries to obtain reliable knowledge about the specifics of the Russian economy and entrepreneurship.