Vocational retraining

Vocational retraining

Shortage of qualified specialists in economics is a constant problem. At the same time, some professional sectors suffer from abundant workforce. Further vocational education programmes offered by MIRBIS Institute prepare in-demand specialists in areas different from their specializations


  • Commercial management
  • Marketing: the strategic stability of enterprises in a competitive market
  • HR management and HR analysis
  • Corporate finance
  • System analysis and project management in business 
Tuition fees

Shortage of qualified specialists in economics is a constant problem. At the same time, some professional sectors suffer from abundant workforce. This situation requires the reallocation of human resources, directing them to other sectors. Further vocational education programmes offered by MIRBIS Institute prepare in-demand specialists in areas different from their specializations

3 reasons to choose MIRBIS Institute

  1. We offer highly effective methods to increase the competitiveness of your business.
  2. The approaches, methods and management tools used during the trainings can be applied for solving practical problems.
  3. The courses form the skills of strategic business management based on a clear analysis of the company's performance system.