Strategic Management and Organization Management

Strategic Management and Organization Management
Strategic Management and Organization Management

General MBA programme is aimed at forming a systematic vision of the company's strategic and tactical problems, as well as their effective solution

Delivered in Russian

Advantages of the programme:

  • Faculty consists of business coaches, specialists with experience in teaching MBA and implementing consulting projects.

  • Training enables students to create their own business projects and then apply them in practice using the knowledge and competencies obtained in the programme (interdisciplinary group project).

  • MIRBIS MBA programme has leading positions in Russian business schools' rankings (in particular, the 1st place in Russia in terms of growth of MBA graduates' income)

  • MIRBIS MBA graduates have the opportunity to attend any MBA classes within 2 years after graduation.

  • After completing an MBA programme, graduates become members of the MIRBIS Institute Alumni Association, which makes it possible to maintain business contacts and establish new contacts. 

Tuition fees
from 610,000 Rub

MBA programme in Strategic Management and Organization Management is awarded AMBA international accreditation, which demonstrates the high quality of teaching, the programme and the school`s authority in business environment. The AMBA accreditation gives the MIRBIS MBA graduates opportunity to join the Association of MBAs.

Head of the programme – Alexandr N. Sazanovich, doctor of technical sciences, professor, laureate of the Ministry of Education's award, winner of the Moscow Government grant in science and technology education, business consultant in strategic management and development (more than 100 projects).

MBA in Strategic Management and Organization Management is a general MBA programme aimed at: 

  • managers of various organizations, department managers, project managers, branch office specialists and specialists of line units aspiring for senior positions;

  • business leaders who need to update their managerial skills;

  • entrepreneurs planning to develop and expand their own business;

  • Everyone who has managerial experience and is interested in obtaining managerial skills in strategic management and management of a business organization, entrepreneurship.

The MBA objectives:

  • to develop MBA students' ability to apply a systematic approach to solving strategic and tactical problems of a company;

  • to acquaint students with relevant methods and design technologies of a competitive product offering and competitive business as a whole;

  • to train specialists responsive to rapidly changing market requirements (in terms of improved management technologies);

  • to contribute to the formation of a professional community of strategic managers, create an atmosphere of free professional communication, interaction and exchange of opinions between specialists from different companies.

Class formats :

  • Lectures delivered by professors

  • Workshops and discussions

  • Group work, case studies

  • Self-study and presentation defense

  • A virtual classroom


  • 19 months (for students who have a degree in economics or management)

  • 22 months

Tuition fees

  • The cost of the MBA programme "Strategic Management and Organization Management" is 570 000 rub (19 months) and 680 000 rub (22 months).

  • Payment by installments and discounts can be provided.

  • MIRBIS offers a tuition reduction for students from the regions of the Russian Federation (except Moscow and Moscow Region), as well as those coming from CIS countries.

  • Payment may be made in cash or by credit card at the cashier's office in MIRBIS Institute, by bank transfer, via the Sberbank Online and on the website of MIRBIS Institute.

Admission requirements:

Leading specialists, middle and senior managers, entrepreneurs with higher professional education and at least 3 years' work experience are admitted. 

Entrance examinations:

  • Motivation essay

  • Russian language test (MBA is delivered in Russian)

  • Interview or management test (optional) 

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