Startup Management

Startup Management
Startup Management

The Startup Management programme gives you an opportunity to develop and implement your business project from scratch and significantly improve the efficiency of existing business projects.

Advantages of the programme

• Practical orientation: students obtain practical tools that can be immediately applied in their own business.

• Considering the current situation in the Russian economy and proposing solutions that will work today.

• Plus 2 years – free of charge! MIRBIS MBA graduates have the opportunity to attend any MBA classes within 2 years after graduation (at the graduate`s choice). This rule extends to the use of extensive library resources.

• After completing an MBA programme, graduates become members of the MIRBIS Institute Alumni Association, which makes it possible to maintain business contacts and establish new contacts.

Tuition fees
from 610,000 Rub

Head of the programme – Elena I. Pereverzeva, PhD in chemical sciences, professor, Member of the Board of Directors of the Russian Association for Entrepreneurship Education

The programme is aimed at

• Young professionals who decided to start their business from scratch and understand that they need special knowledge and skills to do it systematically and thoughtfully.

• Entrepreneurs who have already tried to start their own business but something went wrong.

• Businessmen who have small companies but want to reach new heights.

• Managers who want to stop working for others and start their own business.

• Senior and middle managers who increase the business value by launching new projects

Class formats

  • Lectures delivered by professors

  • Workshops and discussions

  • Group work, case studies

  • Self-study and presentation defense

  • A virtual classroom


  • 19 months (for students who have a degree in economics or management)

  • 22 months

Tuition fee

  • The cost of the MBA programme "Startup Management" is 570,000 rubles (19 months) and 680,000 rubles (22 months).

  • Payment by installments and discounts can be provided.

  • MIRBIS offers a tuition reduction for students from the regions of the Russian Federation (except Moscow and Moscow Region), as well as those coming from CIS countries.

  • Payment may be made in cash or by credit card at the cashier's office in MIRBIS Institute, by bank transfer, via the Sberbank Online and on the website of MIRBIS Institute.

Admission requirements

  • Leading specialists, middle and senior managers, entrepreneurs with higher professional education and at least 3 years' work experience are admitted.
  • Your Russian is fluent

Entrance examinations

  • Motivation essay

  • Interview or management test (optional)